Our services
M2S Systems specialises in overseeing the design and delivery of complete deployable shelter solutions. From bespoke one-off projects to complex multi-faceted operations, we bring extensive knowledge of emergency response, military, industrial and NGO field applications. This includes unrivalled expertise in CBR(N)D shelter systems, deployable health care solutions and deployable camp infrastructure.
Our core areas of expertise include:
Collective Protection (ColPro)
End to end protection from CBR(N)D threats, industrial chemicals
and environmental hazards.
Health Care
Field hospitals, decontamination, surge capacity, mass fatality, autopsy facilities.
Major Incident
Crime scene, command and control, staff facilities, HazMat.
Environmental incident, temporary accommodation, rest areas.
Tactical HQ, Brigade HQ, general service tentage, container and vehicle interface, workshops
and maintenance shelters.
M2S Shelter System Design and Bid Writing
Our experience in the deployable infrastructure market began in 2001 and since then, M2S Systems has an impressive track record designing and scoping full-capability deployable shelter systems with through life support and equipment maintenance. Working with ADF, NATO Forces, European First Responders and NGOs, it helps us find the right solution for each of our customers’ needs.
Shelter Systems Design Benchmarks
M2S Deployable Healthcare Field Hospital designs are now the standard for the British Army and were the guide for ADF’s new Deployable Health Capability.
Clinical Decontamination Unit designs are used by European and UK Ambulance Services as their Specialist Operational Response equipment.
Staff Working Environment Tactical and Brigade Headquarters designs are used by NATO Forces.

Knowledge Transfer for Winning Projects
With over 20 years of knowledge and expertise, M2S Systems provide you with the greatest chance to successfully secure tenders both in Australia and overseas. Having successfully written and given technical support on bid responses for large shelter system programs, we focus on the requirements and ensure response to tenders are perfectly written, compliant, and above all, meet customer expectations.

Shelter System Testing and Verification
M2S Systems has a library of test data for shelter system environmental resilience and proven designs against wind load, rain, snow load, extreme temperature ranges and specific threats to Collective Protection systems.
Our CBR(N)D Collective Protection systems have been tested against AEP-54 and extended survival times of 72hrs by Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and TNO Laboratories.
Designs have undergone complete system surround chemical simulation tests.
Successfully designed shelter systems that can operate between -32°C and +49°C whilst maintaining internal operating temperature between +18-25°C
Air Filtration Unit NATO Radial 1 filters have been extensively tested by Dstl and TNO for barrier performance and measured airflow delivery.

Through Life Support – Training, Service and Maintenance
Custom Training Solutions
M2S has developed and delivered customised training solutions for over 20 years to military and civilian users. Training courses are written to meet relevant standards and delivered by subject matter experts. M2S has successfully delivered courses for ADF, the British Army, First Responders, Aid Agencies, and Industry.
Additionally, our train-the-trainer and refresher courses are designed to be relevant for your operational use as well as ensure that all new staff fully understand standard operating procedures for shelter system deployment, maintenance, and recovery.

Service and Maintenance
All systems delivered by M2S have a complete through life service and maintenance package available to ensure they meet and exceed usual 10-year operational expectations. Working with a network of highly skilled canvas and frame service teams we offer maintenance packages based on expected usage profiles.

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